Contract Vehicles
Contract Vehicles
Chickasaw Federal holds several governmentwide acquisitions, indefinite delivery and quantity, blanket purchase agreements, and customer-specific task order contract vehicles in support of civilian and defense agency missions.
Whether you’re a potential government customer or a prospective supplier, through this listing you can find our technical and professional services under pre-negotiated terms and conditions.

8(a) STARS III, a small business set-aside GWAC, will provide flexible access to customized IT solutions from a large, diverse pool of 8(a) industry partners.
GSA STARS III Website- Contract Number47QTCB21D0026DUNS Number167135891Cage Code31KW2Contact(s)
View Company (Chickasaw Strategic Pointe)
- Contract Number47QTCB21D0196DUNS Number079477792Cage Code76QX9Contact(s)
View Company (Chickasaw Management Services)
Human Capital and Training Solutions

Human Resources and Organization Support ($15M Size Standard) - This pool comprises of efforts engaged in the three Key Services Areas (KSAs) identified in HCaTS: 1) Customized Training and Development Services, 2) Customized Human Capital Strategy Services, and 3) Organizational Performance Improvement. - Customized training includes, but is not limited to, training that is developed and/or delivered to any Federal employee to enhance knowledge, skills and abilities related to a specific title, series and/or function on any subject matter, or general knowledge, skills and abilities. To find out more about HCaTS, visit the official HCaTS page on the GSA website.
- Contract Number47QREB21D0023DUNS Number080160156Contact(s)

One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services - 8(a) - The OASIS 8(a) Program is composed of multiple award indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (MA-IDIQ) contracts. The contract consists of a base period of five (5) years with one (1) five-year option period. All Pools described below and all contracts are Set Aside for 8(a) Businesses Only. The purpose of OASIS 8(a) is to meet the needs of customers with complex integrated professional service based requirements who cannot use, or find difficulty using, the MAS Schedules, Government-wide Acquisition contracts (GWACs), or other existing vehicles for a solution. Complex integrated professional services based requirements are those that:
-Involve multiple professional services disciplines;
-Involve significant IT components, but are not IT requirements;
-Involve ancillary support services and supplies (commonly referred to as Other Direct Costs - ODCs);
-Involve commercial or non commercial services, or a blend of both;
-Require consideration of all Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 16 pricing alternatives, including fixed-price with or without incentives, cost-reimbursement (all types),Time-and-Material, Labor-Hour, or combinations of these alternatives, to fairly allocate risk between the contractor and Government
-Require blending of all or some of the above.
- Contract Number47QRAD20D8108DUNS Number080160156Contact(s)Tiffany Williams
One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services

- Small Business Pool 1
- Small Business Pool 1 8(a) SubPool
OASIS and OASIS Small Business (SB) are multiple award, Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts that provide flexible and innovative solutions for complex professional services. Details of OASIS Contract include:
- Span many areas of expertise and mission space;
- Span multiple professional service disciplines;
- Allow flexibility for all contract types, including hybrids and cost-reimbursement, at the task order level; and
- Allow ancillary support components, commonly referred to as Other Direct Costs (ODC), at the task order level.
The core disciplines/scopes of the contracts include:
- Program management services;
- Management consulting services;
- Logistics services;
- Engineering services;
- Scientific services; and
- Financial services.
- Contract Number47QRAD20D1116DUNS Number080160156Cage Code7JW16Contact(s)Corporate OASIS SB Program Manager
Tiffany Williams
For more information please contact us at:
Order-Level Materials (OLM) - OLMs are supplies and/or services acquired in direct support of an individual task or delivery order placed against a Schedule contract or BPA. OLM pricing is not established at the Schedule contract or BPA level, but at the order level.
Learn MoreHealth Information Technology Services Includes a wide range of Health IT services to include connected health, electronic health records, health information exchanges, health analytics, personal health information management, innovative Health IT solutions, health informatics, emerging Health IT research, and other Health IT services.
Learn More- Contract NumberGS-35F-254CADUNS Number824943448Contact(s)Tyler Sparks
Information Technology Professional Services - SUBJECT TO COOPERATIVE PURCHASING - Includes resources and facilities management, database planning and design, systems analysis and design, network services, programming, conversion and implementation support, network services project management, data/records management, and other services relevant to 29CFR541.400.
Learn More- Contract NumberGS-35F-0565TDUNS Number78-866-3214Cage Code4LVM3Contact(s)Sheila Hamlin - Contract NumberGS-35F-0644YDUNS Number019805824Cage Code481E1Contact(s)Sara Uzel
Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Services - Provide operating advice and assistance on administrative and management issues.
Learn More- Contract Number47QTCA20D00BRDUNS Number080374129Contact(s)Sheila Hamlin
Agency Human Capital Strategy, Policy and Operations - Professional services include but are not limited to development of effective human capital management strategies and enhanced policy. This Function contains the following Sub-Functions: A.1.1 Workforce Planning; A.1.2 Human Capital Strategy; A.1.3 Organizational Design and Position Classification; A.1.4 Diversity and Inclusion; A.1.5 Employee Engagement and Communications; A.1.6 Organizational Development(OPM\Federal Human Capital Business Reference Model)
- Contract NumberGS-02F-0112VDUNS Number788663214Contact(s)Sheila Hamlin
Advertising Services - Services provided under this SIN will promote public awareness of an agency's mission and initiatives, enable public understanding of complex technical and social issues, disseminate information to industry and consumer advocacy groups and engage in recruitment campaigns. Services include, but are not limited to the following components: advertising objective determination, message decision / creation, media selection, outdoor marketing and media services, broadcast media (radio, TV, internet and public service announcements), direct mail services, media planning, media placement services, advertising evaluation, related activities to advertising services.
Learn MoreExhibit Design and Advertising Services - Services include conceptualizing, designing and producing exhibits and their accompanying materials, providing and/or making recommendations for carpet and padding installation for exhibit property; preview, set-up and dismantling of exhibit property, cleaning, prepping and storing exhibit property for future use, shipping exhibit property to and from designated site(s); and media illumination services
Learn MoreInformation Technology Professional Services IT Professional Services and/or labor categories for database planning and design; systems analysis, integration, and design; programming, conversion and implementation support; network services, data/records management, and testing.
TTG T+Cs / Pricelist- Contract NumberGS-35F-0644YDUNS Number019805824Contact(s)
Chief Information Officer – Solutions and Partners Small Business

CIO-SP3 (Chief Information Officers-Solutions and Partners 3) Small Business is a 10-year, multiple award, indefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) Government-wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) with a ceiling of $20 billion. CIO-SP3 Small Business is awarded through the NIH Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC). NITAAC is a federal Executive Agent authorized by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to administer GWACs for IT procurement. To find out more, visit the official NIH CIO−SP3 Small Business website.
CIO-SP3 Small Business offers a breadth of IT services in support of the Federal Enterprise Architecture, the Federal Health Architecture, and the DoD Enterprise Architecture. Its uses include, but are not limited to, Data Center Consolidation, Cloud Computing, Health IT, Mobility and Cybersecurity.
Task Areas:
Task Area 1 - IT Services for Biomedical Research, Health Sciences, and Healthcare
Task Area 2 - Chief Information Officer (CIO) Support
Task Area 3 - Imaging
Task Area 4 - Outsourcing
Task Area 5 - IT Operations and Maintenance
Task Area 6 - Integration Services
Task Area 7 - Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance
Task Area 8 - Digital Government
Task Area 9 - Enterprise Resource Planning
Task Area 10 - Software Development
Key Links
Prompt Payment Terms: None
- Contract Number75N98120D00188Contact(s)
Contact Information
Program Manager:
Tyler Sparks
Phone Number:
Contract Email:
Enhanced Army Global Logistics Enterprise
The U.S. Army EAGLE II Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) is the primary contract vehicle the Army uses to obtain logistics services. The EAGLE II program enables contractors to provide maintenance operations, supply operations, and transportation services at U.S. Army locations worldwide.
- Contract NumberW52P1J18G0032Contact(s)Sherri Ellis - Contract NumberW52P1J18G0040Contact(s)Sherri Ellis
Don't hesitate to contact us for any information or inquiries
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2600 John Saxon Blvd.
Norman, OK 73071